June: One Seed Chicago
I planted my One Seed Chicago beans on Memorial Day. Three of them came up today (along with two silver maples and an empty peanut shell...funny, I don't remember planting those). I am so excited!! I've never grown anything to eat before, unless you count my popcorn experiments back in grade school. The unfortunate thing is, I'm not that crazy about green beans. However, if I manage to keep these puppies alive to harvest time, I will eat them more or less cheerfully.
They're planted in a pot because I didn't feel like getting my soil tested and I've heard that lead contamination is always a concern in the Formerly Sooty Old Industrial City. I need to get some sort of cage or support around the pot before the plants get too big.
I also planted my seeds for the Great Sunflower Project, a bee-counting project. They came up a couple of days ago. Things are bustin' out all over!
You should come to my garden. A pregnant maple tree gave birth on my front lawn. I have an estimated 4 million baby maple trees to pick out of the veggies.
I planted my seeds a couple of weeks back but it was when it was cool and wet & a couple rotted. I'm going to try some more today.
MrBrownThumb @ Chicago Garden
You might change your mind about green beans if you eat them young and raw from the garden - they're so much better than frozen, canned, cooked, or even fresh from the grocery store.
Mine were planted Friday in my tiny raised veggie bed on a trellis where peas are still growing strong. I've never grown pole beans (usually plant bush beans,) so this will be fun! I'm curious if the pole beans taste better - my mom swears by pole beans over bush.
I so agree with gardengirl. I didn't eat green beans often either until I planted my own. Now we grow enough for summer through spring by parboiling them and letting them hang out in the deep freezer carefully wrapped in freezer paper and covered with reuseable large ziplocks or bread bags. All winter long, I can take our our own beans and toss a few in stew, make some as a side, even combine them with roasted poatoes---the kids LOVE them! Enjoy your garden goodness. They taste NOTHING like grocery beans, even if they're the same size because they're fresh and organic.
I just picked up 10 cent packs of lettuce seeds at the grocery store this past week, they grow in almost no time and we plant them all summer long. It's a great one for newbies, too.
Best wishes, Retrogirl02
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