The Brokaw Family Legacy

Generation 1:  The Founder

The founding father, Tom Brokaw. No relation to any other Tom Brokaw you might think you know. Red hair, grey eyes, and Fortune aspiration.

Tom Brokaw:
Fortune aspiration, military career
Neatness 2
Outgoing 3
Active 9
Playful 7
Nice 4
Total: 25

"I can't wait to get this family started!"

Life is tough when your kitchen is outside...

...and when your bathroom floor is made of grass. Don't worry, the graphics, and the photography, will get better later on!

It was all Tom could do to keep himself fed but he was highly motivated to find a wife and get this Legacy ball rolling. He shelled out 40 simoleons for a pizza and got a little something extra: Lauren the Hot Pizza Girl (and the "hot" refers to Lauren, not the pizza!). Lauren became Mrs. Brokaw, and little Peter and Paula arrived soon after.

Lauren thinks Tom needs to follow through on that whole Fortune aspiration thing, like NOW.

Lauren Reeves Brokaw:
Family aspiration, law enforcement career
Neatness 4
Outgoing 3
Active 5
Playful 5
Nice 8
Total:  25

Peter as a toddler - he has his mom's coloring but his dad's features.

Lauren and Tom with child Peter and toddler Paula, who will grow up to look just like her mom. (Seriously, I get better at photography later on. This picture makes me cringe.)

Generation 2:  Peter and Paula

Peter Brokaw:
Fortune aspiration, business career
Neatness 2
Outgoing 9
Active 9
Playful 7
Nice 8
Total:  35!

When Peter reached his teen years, he rolled Fortune like his father. I assumed that with that personality score he'd naturally become the heir, but I was so attached to his sister Paula that I decided to let them both have families and see what happened.

Elder Tom with Lauren and a teenaged Paula and more omelettes than you can shake a stick at.

Paula Brokaw:
Popularity aspiration, politics career
Neatness 2
Outgoing 3
Active 9
Playful 7
Nice 4
Total:  25

(a recloned Paula from the future, so we can see what she actually looked like! She's not much of a cook.)

A rare Paula-smile

Paula grew up into a beautiful woman, with sad, dark eyes and a very artistic disposition.  She went into politics, Peter into business, and both progressed by leaps and bounds.

Peter had a tough childhood.  His astronaut father Tom passed away during his teen-to-adult birthday party, which put a bit of a damper on things.  He also screwed up at work and lost his job that same day.  When he made the transition to adult, he got the blue bunny suit as all of his outfits.

Lauren, distraught over not being able to have any more children in her elder years, went looking for some affection and found it in the shape of Vince Walter, the headmaster at the private school where Peter and Paula went.  Vince married Lauren and kept her company until the end of her days, then helped raise the grandchildren that poor Lauren never got to meet :(  Vince was a successful slacker and moved into a strange little shack behind the Pleasantview water tower after the Legacy house became too crowded for his taste. (And looking back on this when I'm on Generation 6 and struggling with 8 people in the house, I can hardly imagine someone being bored and lonely in a Legacy house!)

Paula hooked up with townie Benjamin Long, thinking he'd have interesting genes to add to the mix.  It was a decision I would regret many times in future generations.  Christopher, the future heir, was the first but not the last to sport The Illustrious Long Family Nose.

The wedding was held shortly after Lauren went with the Reaper, and Paula couldn't stop thinking about her mom.  Another picture that makes me cringe.

Benjamin was a Slacker when he moved in, but since Vince already was in that field I tried Benjamin as a cop.  That didn't work out well at all; the slacker-ness was in his blood and he kept forgetting to go to work.  I then moved him to the medical track, where he seemed to fare better.

Benjamin Long Brokaw:
Knowledge aspiration, medical career
Neatness 2
Outgoing 3
Active 9
Playful 7
Nice 4
Total:  25

Generation 3:  Christopher, Brady, Abigail, and Alice

Benjamin isn't the most involved father but here he spends some quality time with Christopher (only because I made him do it!). Christopher has his dad's blue eyes and pointy nose and his mom's black hair.

New house!  Woo!

Christopher Brokaw:
Knowledge aspiration, military career
Neatness 2
Outgoing 9
Active 9
Playful 7
Nice 4
Total:  31

Benjamin and Paula weren't done yet with the baby-making and they soon welcomed Abigail, the image of her mom with black hair and brown eyes. Abigail grew up to be relatively unmotivated by most things, and getting her to boost her skills was always a chore. Clearly Christopher was the heir in this generation!

Abigail Brokaw:
Romance aspiration
Neatness 2
Outgoing 3
Active 9
Playful 7
Nice 4
Total:  25

Abigail looks serene after telling Christopher a very inappropriate joke involving a lectern and a peace sign. Christopher contorts his arms with glee.

Did somebody get a new graphics card?!

Paula has just encouraged Abigail to be more active. Look who's talking, thunder-thighs!

Meanwhile, Peter worked on his business career, and became close friends with General Jan Tellerman, an army buddy of his father's.  They were engaged, and soon afterwards brown-haired, brown-eyed Brady was born (get it? Peter...Jan... Brady?).  They were later married in a quiet private ceremony, no fuss, no endless champagne toasts.

Jan Tellerman Brokaw:
Family aspiration, military career
Neatness 5
Outgoing 5
Active 3
Playful 8
Nice 4
Total:  25

Jan holds Brady, and Paula looks taken aback.

Peter is such a happy father! He is a good-natured soul who takes care of all of the babies in the house, while Benjamin plays darts.

"Observe the similarity between my nose and this dart."

With four adults and three small children, the Legacy house became a beehive of activity that made my computer (and my hungry, tired Sims) very unhappy.  I liked the thought of raising two Legacy lines in the same house, but I hadn't considered the exponential growth tendencies of the families.  So, Peter, Jan and Brady moved to a house across the street.

Brady Tellerman:
Fortune aspiration, culinary career
Neatness 2
Outgoing 9
Active 9
Playful 7
Nice 4
Total:  31 (same stats as Christopher, although different parents - odd)

Peter finally achieved the level of Business Tycoon, and when he wasn't shuttling around in his low-emission hybrid Simcopter, he was mass-producing landscapes...

...and knocking up his wife. Meet their second child, Alice (to keep the Brady theme going, and I promise that's the last one!). Alice had her dad's black hair and brown eyes.

Alice Brokaw:
Family aspiration
Neatness 5
Outgoing 7
Active 9
Playful 5
Nice 8
Total:  34

Brady and cousin Abigail play chess and discuss the latest fashions.

The main Legacy house had quite an upheaval during this time. Soon after Abigail became a toddler, the house got buggy and I had to bulldoze it and build it for the third time, this time on a smaller lot. Of course, I lost my career reward objects, as well as Tom and Lauren's graves. Nobody seemed to miss having a cemetery in the yard, and I was sure a new one would be built all too soon. *sniffle*

And, speaking of....

Paula, the Mayor of Sim City, and Benjamin, a medical intern with tardiness issues, enjoying their golden years. The game chose that outfit randomly - it's not my fault! Unbeknownst to me, the picture was taken just minutes before the Reaper would come for Paula...

Christopher, the heir of this generation, seems to take after his uncle Peter except for the Long family nose.

Having become an adult, Christopher wasted no time in wooing and winning Kaylynn the maid, and took a job in the Military career just like Grandpa Tom. Kaylynn moved in, entered the police academy, and managed to get herself knocked up with Generation 4 before the day was out. She came into the relationship with a fair amount of baggage - in love with Don Lothario AND Daniel Pleasant. Daniel came over for a visit one day. Christopher wasn't too happy about the kissy-kissy and Daniel and Kaylynn were an item no more.  Both remained friends of the family, though; they'll crop up again later.

Kaylynn Langerak Brokaw
Family aspiration, law enforcement career
Neatness 6
Outgoing 1
Active 7
Playful 4
Nice 7
Total:  25

Abigail, Christopher, and Kaylynn share a friendly moment

Christopher proves that not all husbands are handy around the house

Meanwhile, back in the Peter Brokaw house, Peter progressed to the Great Beyond. After a mourning period of at least 10 minutes, Jan revealed that she had the hots for her nephew-by-marriage Christopher (ew!) so I just let it happen. She and Christopher woo-hooed every chance they got, and poor Kaylynn was none the wiser.

General Jan and daughter Alice discuss girly stuff. In the background, Brady asks Nicole Thompson to go steady. She agrees only because she likes his sexy sandals.

Alice grows from a chipmunk-cheeked child to a very pretty teen who is happy she did not inherit Jan's nose.

Brady did not fare so well in the looks department. Luckily, he's a fortune Sim and a pretty nice guy, and Nina Caliente is all over him like salt on pretzels.

Jan progressed to Elder and promptly retired at the top of the military track in order to spend more time with her kids. Of course, she got bored and came out of retirement to be a Slacker, and she quickly reached the top of that track as well.

Since at this point the Tellerman-Brokaws were no longer in the Legacy, there was no restriction on whom they can marry, and so Brady became the happiest man in Pleasantview by asking Nina Caliente to marry him. I decided to pull out all the stops and have a real wedding for a change!

"Whoo-ee, my wife is H-O-T!"

The first of many...many...many toasts. The guest list (l to r): Becky Brokaw, Christy Stratton, Christopher Brokaw, Kaylynn Brokaw, Nicole Thompson (Brady's ex), Alice Brokaw, Alice's girlfriend Sophie Miguel, Abigail Brokaw, and Jan Tellerman (not pictured). Becky and Alice wore the same dress... how embarrassing! Nina at the moment is in the kitchen making a TV dinner. Um, Nina? We spent a lot of money on this buffet table...

On her wedding night, Nina gazes at the stars, thinks about her future, and sees some seriously bizarre constellations. What exactly was in that champagne, Nina?

Nina Caliente Tellerman:
Romance aspiration, science career
Neatness 8
Outgoing 2
Active 9
Playful 2
Nice 4
Total: 25

Alice, the youngest of Generation 3, finally grew into an adult. One fateful evening, Stephan Gothier delivered groceries to the house, and before they knew it, they were head over heels for each other. The pregnancy, the engagement, the birth, and the wedding came in quick succession, but unfortunately Jan only lived to see the engagement before the Reaper came to rejoin her with Peter.

Pinball in an evening gown: it's never a bad time to look good!

Alice explains to Stephan how this relationship is going to work. Stephan isn't complaining.

Finally it was time for Stephan to make an honest woman of Alice. They were married out by the Christmas tree in a quiet ceremony.

Alice crams a handful of cake into a startled Stephan's mouth.